How Does an Oil Change Benefit Your Car's Performance?

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They mention owning a 2015 Honda Accord with around 75,000 miles on it. Jamie notes hearing different opinions about the frequency of oil changes and their impact. They're particularly curious about how an oil change can affect the car's overall performance and longevity, as well as any risks of not changing the oil regularly.

#1: George Martin, Automotive Technician

Oil changes are a fundamental aspect of vehicle maintenance, crucial for ensuring your car's optimal performance. Understanding how an oil change benefits your car requires a multifaceted exploration.

Firstly, oil lubricates the engine's moving parts. Over time, oil degrades and becomes contaminated with dirt and debris, reducing its effectiveness. Regular oil changes ensure that these components are adequately lubricated, reducing friction and wear.

Secondly, oil plays a pivotal role in cooling the engine. By absorbing and dissipating heat, it helps maintain an optimal operating temperature. Old, dirty oil loses this ability, increasing the risk of overheating.

Furthermore, fresh oil assists in cleaning the engine. Modern oils contain detergents and additives that help remove deposits and sludge, which can accumulate in an engine, impairing its function.

Regarding risks, neglecting oil changes can have serious consequences. Increased engine wear, reduced fuel efficiency, and potential engine failure are among the primary risks associated with infrequent oil changes.

In conclusion, regular oil changes are vital for maintaining engine health, ensuring smooth operation, and prolonging the life of your vehicle. It's a small investment that pays dividends in terms of performance, reliability, and longevity.

#2: Linda Roberts, Automotive Engineer

To understand the impact of oil changes on car performance, let's delve into the mechanics and chemistry of automotive lubricants. Oil in your engine plays a critical role in reducing wear and tear, cooling engine components, and keeping the engine clean.

Lubrication: Engine oil forms a thin layer between moving parts, minimizing direct metal-to-metal contact. This reduces wear and extends the life of engine components.

Cooling: Oil transfers heat away from combustion cycles. Proper lubrication ensures even heat distribution, preventing hot spots that could lead to engine damage.

Cleaning: Engine oil contains detergents and dispersants that clean and prevent sludge build-up. Regular oil changes remove these contaminants, keeping your engine clean and efficient.

Now, considering the risks of not changing oil, the most immediate is accelerated engine wear. Contaminants in old oil act as abrasives, wearing down engine parts. Over time, this leads to decreased performance, higher fuel consumption, and potentially costly repairs.

In conclusion, regular oil changes are a fundamental aspect of vehicle maintenance. They protect your engine from wear, keep it running efficiently, and can significantly extend the life of your car. It's a simple yet crucial routine for any vehicle owner.

#3: Simon Clark, Vehicle Maintenance Expert

What is an Oil Change?

An oil change involves replacing old engine oil with fresh oil, ensuring optimal engine performance. This process also typically includes replacing the oil filter.

Why is it Important?

  • Engine Protection: Engine oil provides essential lubrication, reducing friction between moving parts and preventing wear.
  • Heat Management: Oil dissipates heat from the engine, preventing overheating.
  • Contaminant Removal: Over time, oil gathers contaminants. Changing the oil removes these, protecting the engine from damage.

How to Perform an Oil Change

  1. Drain Old Oil: Remove the oil drain plug and allow the old oil to drain out.
  2. Replace Oil Filter: Install a new filter to ensure that the new oil remains uncontaminated.
  3. Add New Oil: Pour in the correct type and amount of fresh oil.

The risks of not performing regular oil changes include increased engine wear, reduced efficiency, and the potential for engine failure. Consistent oil changes are an investment in the health and longevity of your vehicle.

#4: Emily Watson, Car Enthusiast and Blogger

Hey Jamie! You've got a trusty 2015 Honda Accord and you're curious about oil changes? Great question! Let’s break it down in a fun way.

Imagine your engine is like a team of athletes - the oil is their hydration. Without enough water, they get tired, right? Same with your engine. Oil keeps everything running smoothly, reducing friction and preventing those engine parts from getting all cranky and worn out.

Now, think about this: over time, that oil gets all gunky, like a dirty sponge. Ew! It can’t do its job well. Regular oil changes toss out that nasty old oil and bring in the fresh stuff. It’s like giving your engine a refreshing energy drink!

But hey, skip these oil parties too often, and you’re asking for trouble. Your engine can overheat, wear out faster, and even break down. That’s like pushing your athlete team too hard without rest. Not cool!

In short, keep your car’s engine happy and healthy with regular oil changes. It’s not just about keeping things running; it’s about making sure your trusty Accord stays your reliable road buddy for miles and miles!


The experts agree that regular oil changes are crucial for maintaining your vehicle's performance and longevity.

  1. George Martin emphasizes the importance of oil in lubricating engine parts, cooling the engine, and cleaning internal components.
  2. Linda Roberts delves into the mechanics of how oil reduces wear and tear, assists in cooling, and cleans the engine.
  3. Simon Clark's structured approach outlines the 'What, Why, and How' of oil changes, emphasizing their importance in engine protection, heat management, and contaminant removal.
  4. Emily Watson offers a relatable analogy, comparing engine maintenance to caring for a team of athletes, highlighting the necessity of keeping the engine well-lubricated and clean.


  • George Martin: An experienced automotive technician with over 20 years in the field, George specializes in engine maintenance and repair. He is known for his detailed knowledge of vehicle mechanics.
  • Linda Roberts: Holding a degree in Automotive Engineering, Linda has a deep understanding of the technical aspects of vehicle maintenance and engine operation.
  • Simon Clark: As a vehicle maintenance expert, Simon has spent over a decade in the automotive industry, focusing on preventative maintenance and vehicle care.
  • Emily Watson: A passionate car enthusiast and blogger, Emily brings a unique and approachable perspective to car maintenance, making complex topics accessible to a wider audience.


Q: How often should I change my car's oil?

A: It generally depends on your vehicle and the type of oil used. For a 2015 Honda Accord, every 5,000 to 7,500 miles is a typical interval for synthetic oil. Always check your owner’s manual for specific recommendations.

Q: Can I change my car's oil myself?

A: Yes, if you have the right tools and knowledge. However, if you’re not confident, it’s best to leave it to a professional to avoid potential issues.

Q: Does the type of oil matter?

A: Absolutely. Different cars require different types of oil, based on factors like engine design and operating conditions. Consult your vehicle’s manual for the recommended oil type.